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Posts from July, 2015

Adam Stower: PICTURA: A Walk With The Dinosaurs

PICTURA: A Walk With The Dinosaurs, is a new colouring-in puzzle book for all design-conscious and creative kids illustrated by Adam Stower...

Emily Fox illustrates Fox Investigates

Fox Investigates: A Brush With Danger, has just been published by Stripes and sees the hero investigator, Wily Fox solving crimes with...

Where the Bugaboo Lives illustrated by Neal Layton

This is a clever and engaging book artfully written and wonderfully illustrated and populated with monsters trolls, dolls, giant spiders,...

Steve May Illustrates Dennis The Menace: Canine Carnage

Our friend Dennis the Menace is at it again, this time his diary reveals his exploits as he tries to win a talent contest with a killer...

How to Draw a Troll by Adam Stower

A step by step guide to drawing a troll by Adam Stower and Oliver...