Marie-Alice Harel creates a stunning new portrait of Britannia for The Royal Mint.

Every so often we get to share something truly special and unique with you. This week we are celebrating the work of Marie-Alice Harel who was selected to design a new portrait of Britannia for The Royal Mint.

From Roman times to 2024 - Britannia has appeared on the United Kingdom's coins to symbolise the nation and its people. Each year, a new artist is carefully selected to reimagine Britannia and give a fresh take on the changing face of Britain. The selection process is a lengthy one and Marie-Alice was initially briefed during Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

We're so pleased to finally be able to share this new commemorative coin with you. Britannia 2024 UK celebrates the legendary figure as an unwavering symbol of strength and resilience,  blending mythology with modernism. Marie-Alice portrays Britannia facing an oncoming wave, into which her plumed helmet flows to represent her historic connection with the sea.

“I wanted to represent Britannia as quite young in some of the designs to address the younger generations who are the future of the country. They will need those ideas of strength, peace and resilience to solve the problems of health, society and environment that we experience today.

Even though the idea of strength is central to the character, I did my best to show that this power is rooted in kindness, compassion and peace. For me, that’s where true power lies and is what we need more of in the world." - Marie-Alice Harel.

Read The Royal Mint's interview with Marie-Alice in 'Behind the Design'.

You can find Marie-Alice Harel on Instagram and you can also view her stunning portfolio HERE.

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