We are excited to announce the publication of Graham Carter’s first picture book Alphamals A-Z by Big Picture Press this month.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z first publication Big Picture Press

A beautifully designed animal for every letter of the alphabet, this book was produced from the range of prints designed by Graham for exhibition and have made the transition from the wall to the book with ease. Each animal has a small poem and graphic element to enhance the main image. Created with patterns, graphic symbols and sensitive colour palatte. It’s difficult to choose which ones to preview, they are all wonderful. Graham has produced limited edition prints of all the animals which would look great on any bedroom wall, you can buy the collection from Boxbird


D is for Dragonfly


With translucent wings and body bright, the dragonfly darts in a flash of colour.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Dragonfly Big Picture Press

F is for Fox


The Arctic Fox trots over the snow, hidden and warm in his ice-white fur.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Fox Big Picture Press

J is for Jaguar


The jaguar lies stretched out waiting high above the forest floor, her spots concealed among the leaves.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Jaguar Big Picture Press

L is for Ladybird


The ladybird spreads her spotted wings of red and black, and flutters away on a summer breeze.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Ladybird Big Picture Press

O is for Orangutan


With his thick shaggy orange hair and long, strong hands on draping arms, who could it be but the orangutan?

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Orangutan Big Picture Press

Y is for Yak


With shaggy fur and sharp-tipped horns the mighty yak stands strong and steady, unfazed by the wind or the snow.

Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z Yak Big Picture Press


And finally… a proud moment, a picture of the happy illustrator with his very first book, congratulations Graham and big thanks to Ruth and Genevieve at Big Picture Press.


Graham Carter Alphamals A-Z first publication