Ahoy there, me hearties! It’s April 1st and today is publication day for the much awaited, The Jolley Rogers and the Cave of Doom written and lavishly illustrated by our very own Pirate Cap’n, Jonny Duddle.
Here’s a few selected scenes from the book which will give you a taste of the action without ruining the plot. The Jolley Rogers find themselves frozen under a spell cast by three sea-hags, who lure them into the cave of doom with bewitched treasure. It’s up to plucky Matilda to save the Jolley-Rogers family.
A book doesn’t happen on it’s own, after Jonny has written the story and worked out where all the illustrations will go, he hands it over to Templar Publishing and a whole team of people take it over to create the final book. Jonny was invited to the most excellent Page Bros printers in Norwich to see it being printed. He inspected the proofs with the help of his team, as you can see in the photo everyone has a role to play in the making of a new book. The Jolley Rogers and The Cave of Doom is now out in the shops in the UK and features on the Bonnier stand at Bologna to hopefully sail the seven seas to new territories and beyond. You can find out more about Jonny Duddle, his books and details of events on his new publishing website, where there are competitions and the chance to win signed books.

Cave of Doom sketch and proofs

Jonny Duddle Cave of Doom