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Neal Layton Portfolio

A World Full of Wildlife

Published by Wren & Rook

Animals and plants are under threat, and they need your help. We are so lucky to live on a planet that is teeming with extraordinary life. Yet, all over the world, animals and plants are disappearing. But there's so much we can do to help! 

Discover the amazing, interconnected web of life on Earth, find out why biodiversity is so important to our planet, and how human actions are hurting it. Then get ready to roll up your sleeves and find out what you can do to help protect our wonderful world full of wildlife!

Here is a selection of Neal's artworks without the text and you can SEE INSIDE THE BOOK in our news article.

Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
And How You Can Protect It
Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
I don't want there to be fewer animals and plants.
Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
... biodiversity bounces back!
Neal Layton - A World Full of Wildlife
We are lucky enough to live on a planet brimming with life
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